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Who is Tyler J. Smith?

          Tyler J. Smith was a young man who loved life, loved his family, loved his friends and loved to help others. He was a very smart, caring, compassionate young man with a personality that drew you to him - making you want to get to know him, and a Smile that lit up a room. Tyler never judged anyone but opened his heart for everyone. He loved to go to Starbucks and pay for the person behind him and was a brother to many.
          Tyler's story is special as he was, the youngest of three boys, creative, happy, everything he touched seemed to turn to gold; he was gifted. He once said, "I don't want to be known for being rich or famous, I just want to be known for making the world a better place".
          Tyler was introduced to a legal synthetic marijuana, by someone he trusted, which eventually ended up causing him to take his life very quickly - without warning.
          Tyler's family and friends started the Tyler J. Smith Purple Project to spread awareness of the dangerous of synthetic drugs and to carry on what Tyler always hoped to do: change the world.



Tyler made this heartwarming video for his girlfriend of over a year
Happy Birthday Tyler 2013
Happy Birthday Tyler 2014
RIP Tyler
(created by a friend)

Inspiring words

from Tyler's

friends & family






"Hello Everyone, my name is Perla and I wanted to share my story with you. In 2010, I began thinking about committing suicide and was actually going to go through with it. But God sent me an Angel and that Angel was Tyler Smith.


Tyler (talked) me out of committing suicide. Not once but several times. I wasn't as close to Tyler as I wish I was but he was always that one person to try and convince me that suicide was not the answer. If it weren't for Tyler I probably would have never made it this far and for that I am extremely grateful.


I want everyone on this page to now that suicide isn't the way out. Several months after Tyler passed away, I transferred from Bellevue West. I was severely bullied and one day I walked right out of those doors determined to commit suicide. I already had a plan planned out and everything. I almost went through with it but something inside me decided that it wasn't my time yet. That was my junior year.


Now I go to Bellevue East and I'll be graduating in May. Tyler didn't make it to graduation but I will in honor of Tyler.


I shared my story earlier with Kali (Tyler's mother) and I have hopes of getting closer to her and everyone behind this amazing (organization). I need you guys here. I need you guys to keep fighting for what you believe in because you guys have given me hope and restored my faith in humanity. The world needs more determined people out there ad you guys are what we need. I love you guys so much.


TO EVERYONE ELSE: remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem and if you ever need anyone I will always be here. I will never let someone else go through what I did and I will always listen to you no matter what."


-Perla, friend of Tyler

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